So... what's this place about?

This website serves as a homebase for working librarian and nerd media lover Chris Baker -- your's truly! On this site, you'll eventually be able to read media reviews of popular (and sometimes infamous!) video games, movies (horror especially!), literature, TV, and more. Additionally, this website offers other librarians in the field a chance to get an idea about Chris's professional history; you can view his resume/CV, check out some presentations he's either offered or facilitated, and learn more about some of his professional projects!

On top of that, Chris shares tips, tricks, resources, and troubleshooting guides when it comes to integrating video games in libraries! Video games are quickly becoming the most pervasive and popular entertainment medium on the planet; Chris's philosophy is that libraries must begin to integrate video games (or, gaming in all of it's forms, honestly!) more regularly into library collections, programs, technology advancement, and more. This website hopes to guide librarians looking for insight and experience regarding video games & libraries!

This website has been created in fulfillment of my final project for this class. And if this website isn't quite enough...

Other Resources to Check Out!

Look; I get it. This website is still pretty sparse at the moment. A pretty big "work-in-progress", as it were. Heck, it's only got one review so far, and it's for Rollerball of all things. I promise -- this place will grow over time. So be sure to come back and check things out again in the future!

Because I don't want any guest to leave without something, I've included a list of other cool gaming, horror, and library links below. Check out these great websites for information in the meantime -- until I finish this site up!

Thanks so much for stopping by! :)

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